Thursday, November 08, 2007

The CDC: Spending = American Health

I've just read an article in which the CDC reports that efforts to reduce smoking have "stalled." Why? Because we're not spending enough!

So typical of the CDC. I know. I'm a former employee.

Nearly 21 percent of Americans smoke, a number that has been stalled since 2004, federal researchers reported on Thursday in a study they said means governments must spend more to persuade people to kick the habit. Must-spend-more. Can't-think-beyond-liberal-cliches.
And later in the article, Dr. Matt McKenna, CDC employee, offers this brilliant analysis:

"It is completely commensurate with the stall in resources that have
been going into tobacco control," Dr. Matt McKenna, who directs CDC's Office on Smoking and Health, said in a telephone interview.
What a wholly cynical response. He's complaining about funding for his own program from the federal government. He's aggrandizing the importance of his own program. And he thinks you won't see through that. He thinks you're stupid.

This is so typical of the mindset at CDC, a place enmeshed with self-importance. The only way to save America's health, they suppose, is for the CDC to educate people about the dangers of their health-related behaviors. They think the rest of us are morons. If you read between the lines, it's the same line of argument any arrogant person gives:

If only you could understand what I do, or know what I know, you would agree with me (i.e., because my conclusion is inevitable).

I call that the intellectual fallacy. It's a logical fallacy the equal of any taught in college.

In the future, watch for alarmist stuff about the environment. CDC has officially purchased shares in the global climate change industry and now imagines that the only way forward is for CDC to protect the rest of the world from itself. And dissent is not allowed. Those who don't buy all the human responsibility aspect of it are ostracized, perhaps not officially but certainly as among coworkers.

Does that sound like scientific behavior?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have not signed up with that blog stuff yet....but I did read your latest article. Please do let me know whenever you submit a new one because I used to check it regularly, but have gotten out of the habit during my busy or Dangers' slow periods.

I do think that the CDC can be dangerous with their ability to alarm people, as are most bureaucrats and academics...when they need funding for their projects / egos / empires they just start screaming fire. If I tried this as a business man or if a politician did similar it is considered a hard sell, slimy, partisan, used-car-salesman-tactics.

But the CDC and university professors can blather on with impunity. They are above greed. They are pure and unbiased. They only care about the best interest of mankind.

The fact that most of them are saving their jobs year to year or rising to the next tier of their institutions mandated paylevels through such tactics is never even allowed to be questioned. They are the modern monastics who have given up so very much to serve humanity in the Monastery of Altruistic Civic Duty. Oh, bless them.

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