Monday, October 30, 2006

Food for Thought: Diversity's Unacknowledged Costs

Thomas Sowell wrote an interesting piece in today. Not sure what all of the ramifications are, either for the war in Iraq or for the usual way "diversity" gets slopped around in our culture as if it's an unquestionable value. But here it is:

Diversity's Oppressions: Why Iraq has proven to be so hard to pacify.


Monday, October 30, 2006 12:01 a.m.

Iraq is not the first war with ugly surprises and bloody setbacks. Even World War II, idealized in retrospect as it never was at the time--the war of "the greatest generation"--had a long series of disasters for Americans before victory was finally achieved.

The war began for Americans with the disaster at Pearl Harbor, followed by the tragic horror of the Bataan death march, the debacle at the Kasserine Pass and, even on the eve of victory, being caught completely by surprise by a devastating German counterattack that almost succeeded at the Battle of the Bulge.

Other wars--our own and other nations'--have likewise been full of nasty surprises and mistakes that led to bloodbaths. Nevertheless, the Iraq war has some special lessons for our time, lessons that both the left and the right need to acknowledge, whether or not they will.

What is it that has made Iraq so hard to pacify, even after a swift and decisive military victory? In one word: diversity.
That word has become a sacred mantra, endlessly repeated for years on end, without a speck of evidence being asked for or given to verify the wonderful benefits it is assumed to produce.

Worse yet, Iraq is only the latest in a long series of catastrophes growing out of diversity. These include "ethnic cleansing" in the Balkans, genocide in Rwanda and the Sudan, the million lives destroyed in intercommunal violence when India became independent in 1947 and the even larger number of Armenians slaughtered by Turks during World War I.
Despite much gushing about how we should "celebrate diversity," America's great achievement has not been in having diversity but in taming its dangers that have run amok in many other countries. Americans have by no means escaped diversity's oppressions and violence, but we have reined them in. [...]

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Amish Tragedy

Dear Swine,

Sorry about your baby daughter. All would have grieved for and with you. Now you've separated yourself from her forever.

I hope there is a hell. Burn.

And to the rest:

If you're going to kill yourself, have some guts and kill JUST yourself.

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